
Tips from a Wedding photographer for your Wedding Day

  1. Choose the best time for your ceremony

A common mistake I see is people making their ceremony at high noon (12pm). This is possibly the worst time to have your OUTDOOR ceremony at. Think about it, the sun is blazing 90 degrees above us, and will make crazy shadows on your faces and they WILL show up on camera. Try 10 am, or even close to sunset hour! If you do not know what time the sun sets, check your weather app and the best lighting is an hour right before that.

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2. Make time for your portraits if you want some done

Let your wedding planner know or who ever is helping you plan, to set aside at least 45 minutes to 1 hour aside for photos, roughly around sunset hour if having portraits are a priority for you.

Photos during sunset hour

3.Make sure your venue has matching lighting.

Without getting too technical, some venues have yellow lights and blue lights. For photographers, this can be a nightmare during editing and honestly it will make your photos look of less quality. Ideally, we would like to have all warm lighting or all blue lighting. Make sure to ask your venue, if they are able to change the bulbs for you and consult with your photographer!

4. Make sure to let your photographer know what the most important aspects are of your wedding day. We will take extra extreme care for these parts of your wedding day!

5.Book an engagement session prior to your wedding.

This will help both of you guys feel more comfortable and more at ease before your wedding while being in front of a camera. You will also get to know your wedding photographer before hand and figure out which poses and angles are the best!

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Don’t worry too much about your pictures. If you have booked a professional and love their work, then you will be in great hands!

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